The Kremlin has also moved to prevent its propaganda outlets from being restricted by foreign mainstream social media platforms. This means that many ordinary Russians may not have seen footage from inside Ukraine since Putin’s armed forces began bombarding the neighboring country from land, air and sea. The Kremlin’s grip on mainstream media in Russia means Russia citizens are routinely exposed to state propaganda - such as Putin’s claim that the invasion of Ukraine is a “special military operation”, not an act of war and unprovoked aggression. And we hope, App Store and Google Play will support us.” “We do understand the risks and take all of them but it’s such a small price to pay for our freedom. “The initial goal is to spread the real information to Russians and encourage them to protest, as they don’t have an access to independent media or trust-worthy sources,” a Reface spokeswoman told us. Reface is targeting specific messages to its 5.5 million users in Russia who are all being sent push notifications urging them to protest, as well as a link to a video showing a slideshow of war imagery from inside Ukraine - including several images of burnt out and bomb-damaged buildings, as well as photos of civilians trying to shelter.ĭeepfake video app Reface is just getting started on shapeshifting selfie cultureĬaptions accompanying the slideshow in Russia read: “Wash disgrace from Russia’s face” “We can stop the war together” “Flood the streets” and “Show the world that we are against it”. We’ve already got a lot of 1-star reviews and reports from those who were not ready to see the truth,” he added. “We understand how risky this campaign is, and are taking all of them. Moreover, we’ve added in-app messages to the users from all over the world to support our country, and now every video made with our app has watermark with #standwithukraine and Ukrainian flag.”
#War with words app tv#
Read all the Latest News, Breaking News, watch Top Videos and Live TV here.Messaging with TechCrunch from Ukraine, CEO and co-founder Dima Shvets said: “Reface has started a massive informational campaign and sent push-notifications to all Russian users, showing the evidence of Russian attacks in our cities, asking people to stand with Ukraine and go for protests.
They also added that the booklet is a mere compilation of the words and not suggestions or orders. Most of these words were considered unparliamentary even when the UPA was in power, said government sources. The Rajasthan assembly expunged the Hindi words ‘anpadh’ and ‘anargal’. The Hindi terms ‘ant-shant’ and ‘aksham’ were expunged from the Chhattisgarh assembly. ‘Lollipops in the budget’ was expunged from the Punjab assembly, as was ‘you have reached here telling a lie’. ‘Childishness’ was similarly deemed unparliamentary in Quebec’s National Assembly. It also contains a list of words considered unparliamentary in parliaments of Commonwealth countries, they said.įor instance, ‘abused’ was considered unparliamentary in Australia’s House of Representatives. However, government sources told News18 that the list is not a new suggestion but merely a compilation of words already expunged in the Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, or state legislatures. Opposition lawmakers have called this a “gag order”, maintaining that it would impede their ability to critique the government. The booklet listing out unparliamentary words and expressions comes ahead of the monsoon session beginning July 18. On the list are terms like ‘jumlajeevi’, ‘baal buddhi’, ‘Covid spreader’, ‘snoopgate’, and even commonly used words such as ‘ashamed’, ‘abused’, ‘betrayed’, ‘corrupt’, ‘drama’, ‘hypocrisy’, and ‘incompetent’. The opposition has launched an all-out attack on the government after the Lok Sabha secretariat issued a new booklet listing unparliamentary words for both houses.